Growing out a lion cut

By Jen

We took Trish in for a shave last week. It always seems like she’s back to full puffitude in no time, so I’ve decided to document the process as her coat fills back out.

Here she is one week after her lion cut. Here she is the day she got the cut.


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Alys Drake

Where do you take Trish for her shave? We have a kitty who is part Maine Coon and she sure could use a shave but the lady at our Hollywood Feed said she won’t take any new cats and that shaving them is very stressful. She has terrible dandruff and no amount of my brushing helps her.

unknown author of comment


We take her to McGehee Clinic by Gibson’s and Gus’s. I think it’s about $60 or so for her shave, bath and nail trim. PetSmart said they couldn’t groom her without sedating her and they weren’t authorized to do so anyway. So we found a full-service vet and go figure, they’ve never had to put her under.

unknown author of comment

Alys Drake

I will call them tomorrow. Maybe they will take my Zoey.

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